Thursday 6 May 2010

lllustrated version of initial ideas...

I decided to use a wacom pad to draw around my existing drawing to create a more accurate and crisp picture for me to work with as sometimes live tracing spoils the outcome.
I saw Alex Trochut using a Wacom pad so that was the reason behind experimenting with this tool and I got used to it quite quickly.
I started to add colour to my illustration, I wanted to make it really bright and colourful and exciting for people to look at, I have involved all the elements and ingredients of the different icecreams from Ben & Jerrys so people can almost hunt for their favourite ingredient and flavour.
This example below i have take out the black outline which ties in more with the existing art work for Ben & Jerrys.
With this illustration I am going to add some shading into it to depict some of the shapes and make it look a bit 3d instead of being really flat.
I also still need to add the Ben & Jerrys logo and maybe add a few more illustrations to make it more exciting.
I could also try adding a little tag line.

This example below I have kept the black outline to my illustration, although this keeps a lot more of the detail I feel that the outline needs to be removed to be consistent with existing packaging and style.

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